In this last week I think we may have had more rain than so far this entire year, and I am not complaining, it has been so dry and hot this year, we really need the rain!
I love a rainy day every once in a while!
Rainy days are perfect for: Going to get a new haircut! Thanks Renae, at Raven Hair!
Hanging out with the Angus dog! He hates the rain, so he wont go outside, and therefore follows me around like a shadow the whole day. Plus we need to make the most of our quality time's not just going to be me and Angus home during the day soon.
A cup of tea, and most probably more! And perhaps a Tim Tam if you feel inclined, perfect for a rainy day.
Doing a crafty project, well for me every day is a great day for doing something crafty, but especially a rainy day!
Watching a movie! I actually really enjoyed Arthur, I know critics have given it scathing reviews, but for me it was easy to watch and easy to laugh at. You know, I also cried, it could just be the pregnancy hormones, but I did cry, not just a few tears, but the can barely talk type of crying..
I hope you are enjoying your day! Whether the weather is rainy like here in Perth or Sunny and Summertime in the northern hemisphere!
Karen xx
I love a rainy day every once in a while!
Rainy days are perfect for: Going to get a new haircut! Thanks Renae, at Raven Hair!