So, I promised in my earlier post {
HERE} to disclose what the big unexpected changes were that we were dealing with.
For the last month Joel has been jobless. He was made redundant from his job, and we didn't really see it coming at all. Obviously, it came as a bit of a shock, and put us in a bit of a spin.
We are a single income family, so we didn't even have the back up of my wage. It was a pretty scary and stressful place to find ourselves.
Although he got a redundancy payout, you just never know how long it will be until another job comes along. So we were trying to scrimp and save as much as we could.
Today however, he had his first day at his new job!
There are some great new perks with this job too, he works 10 hours a week less (yep, he used to work a 50 hour week 6am-4pm, ouch). It comes with a company car to drive for personal use as well! Yay, because we have been living with one vehicle! It also seems that it is WAY less stressful than his last job, which is great for us, because hopefully he wont just crash out at the end of the day.
We prayed and we had faith that it would turn out ok.
And, we were not disappointed. There were some really hard times. The emotions that come with facing the unknown can be tough to deals with, especially when you have a mortgage and bills to pay.
He found out he got this new job last weekend, but wasn't going to start until a week later.
We decided we couldn't take another week of moping around the house. We had the certainty of a job awaiting.
So we went on a Holiday! And it was AMAZING!
{I will do another post about that, because it deserves one all of its own}
Thank you so much for those who reached out to us, prayed for us and supported us during this time.
A sneak peek of our holiday, starting to relax here! |
Life definitely can throw curveballs at you sometimes and shake you up from the norm, as wise people say, it is how you deal with it that is important.
Karen xx