I really wanted a rocket ship mobile for Ezra's room. I figured it wold be easy enough to make.
took some pictures along the way, so if anyone wants to make a rocket
mobile for themselves or as a gift, it is really easy, and looks soooo
What You Need:
Felt: I used blue and white for the rocket, and red for the fire. You can use whatever you want, but you'll need three colours
Embroidery Thread, three colours
Embroidery Hoop (8-10")
Draw your rocket ship template on the piece of paper. If
you are horrible at drawing, you could download a picture and print it
Cut out your template pieces
the template of the body of the rocket, and attach it with the needle
to a piece of felt and cut around. I did 3 sets of one colour and four of the other, but you can choose how many rockets you want
Cut out your circle for the window in the other colour and stitch it on using the back stitch
the fins (this is what Joel told me they were called, blame him if its
wrong) for the front and back of the rocket, attach the front as shown
in the picture below.
Front: Stitched on with back stitch
Then the back is stitched on its side as such
This is the shape for the side fins cut these out next, two for each rocket
the rocket inside out and begin to attach the back and front together
as below. Once you get about 2cm from the bottom, you will want to
insert your side wing (see photo)
Also leave the bottom of the rocket open.
the fin inside and fold the pieces back together stitching the wing
into the body as you stitch both sides together. Do this with both side
you have attached both fins and tied off the thread at the end, you can
now turn your rocket the right way around, and stuff it with the
Make a template for the flame, and then attach it to some red or orange felt and cut it out.
Put the end in between the two sides of the rocket and use a running stitch to seal it all up.
And there you have it, a lovely finished rocket ship.
I made 7 of these alternating colours.
Then I made a moon for the middle. Make a moon shaped template, I did a 1/4 moon but you can do whatever you want.
I used a different stitch for this, as demonstrated below.
the needle through both sides of the moon, then pull the thread
through, before it is completely pulled tight, loop the needle back
through the loose thread, and put it back in the same side you just
inserted it. It gives a nice finished off look, so you don't have to
turn the moon inside out.
I just stuffed it as I went along, and then finished it up.
Now to hang it all.
So first cut the amount of thread you need in varying
lengths. I used red thread and attached it to the rockets just in front
of the side fin.
Then use the inside hoop of the embroidery hoop, I used a 8" hoop.
You might need an extra pair of hands for this bit.
Tie all the threads in a knot at the end, and have someone hold them and the hoop.
Tie each thread around the hoop, equal distances apart.
Except for the moon let that dangle in the middle shorter than all the
rest. It should then look like this.
Phew that was long, if you made it all the way here good on you! I am debating making starts for it as well.. we will see.
That took a while, I hope you like!
xx Karen