I've been bad

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I've been m.i.a I know... I am in recovery mode from Christmas, New Year, house guests.
I am also in preparation mode, on Monday we are going camping for two weeks! Oh I cannot wait. Although, not sure how camping with a 5 month old in a tent is going to go. I guess it will be fine for us, but the campsites around us may not appreciate the 3am crying. Well, that is what you get when you go camping right, tent material is not sound proof.

There are some blog posts that I have had in my mind that I really want to do. I hope that I get time before we leave. The days tend to fly by.

I hope you all had a lovely, lovely Christmas, and a wonderful New Year. I did. My lovely husband surprised me with an IPad for Christmas, so I should have no excuse but to be blogging continuously!!
It seems so long ago now. I am looking forward to 2012 being a fabulous year!

Here is our most recent whole family pic. Even Angus is being well behaved for the photo!!
Karen xx

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