Happy Birthday Dad!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

If you didn't guess by the title, it's my Dad's Birthday today.

Whenever I hear people say that they have the best Dad I never believe them, how can they?
When I have the best Dad!

My childhood was pretty awesome. I think back on those times and realise just how lucky I am to have such amazing parents. I didn't always appreciate the way my Dad looked after me, particularly those nights when we were camping in my early teens and I snuck away to parties on the beach, only to have my Dad march down and embarrass me by dragging me away. Or when I didn't want to be seen with my parents at the shopping centre, because I was apparently 'too cool' so I would walk a few metres ahead. My Dad would then deliberately start limping behind me and yell out in a silly voice with a lisp 'Wait for me KAWEN', completely shattering my coolness! I thought my friends with the laid back 'do what you want' parents had it made and I thought my parents were trying to ruin my life because they were trying to look after my wellbeing, but as a typical teenager I did not really see logic in these matters. Now, I am so grateful they persevered and stuck to their guns, because it was exactly what I needed.

My Dad was and still is always there to help, whether it be rescuing me from almost drowning in the pool, driving me to all my tennis matches, building lego, fixing my bike, listening to me rehearse for Drama plays or practice speeches,  helping me with my assignments,  resume and giving me financial advice. He even used to cut my hair, he's very practical so it involved putting gaffa tape in a straight line and cutting above it, so there was not mess to clean up! Genius.

My Dad is a fun Dad, some of my best memories are of Sunday mornings at the beach going surfing. Even when he used to drop in on me, I still enjoyed it! I remember our camping trips and family holidays, games in the pool, going to the park and just having fun. I used to love the Easter morning egg hunts, and was giddy with excitement when part of the Easter Bunny's tail got somehow stuck in the front door, and he left tracks in the sand pit. I can't wait to do the same things with my own kid(s).

My Dad always taught us to believe in ourselves. He always encouraged us, and still does, to follow our dreams. To do what we love. He didn't force us to follow a particular direction in life but supported us to do what we wanted to do. He didn't control us but let us make our own mistakes and to learn from them. He is a motivator and an encourager, and I always feel better and more confident after I talk to my Dad. He is so positive and always has a way of helping me out with my bad attitude towards something. He has great advice, and even at nearly 30, I still like to get my Dad's opinion on choices I am making. He is a wise man.

My Dad helped me to understand the value of hard work, taking care of things and money. We weren't in need growing up, but we also weren't given everything we wanted. I remember saving all our coins in big piggy banks so we could have spending money on a holiday to Bali, I think whatever we saved they matched. My Dad has an amazing work ethic, and has really been a great example to us in that, I still don't ever remember him taking a sick day. Growing up we occasionally had to work in the garden, and do the dishes, although we thought back then he was a slave driver, it really was barely anything, but it taught us we had to chip in and do our bit. Even though I know I could spend more time arguing about doing something than it would take to do it.

My Dad is generous, kind, loving, funny, loud and a pretty good dancer as well! He can tear it up on the Wedding dance floors!

My Dad Loves us! That is the biggest message that comes through loud and clear from all my childhood memories. Dad, I love you too! You have taught me such amazing things in my life and I can never express how grateful I am! So Thank You for being such an amazing Dad.


Love Your Favourite Daughter! 
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