Introduction to "Dogboarding"

Sunday, August 22, 2010
The week before last was a blast because we had friends all the way from Minnesota visiting us here in lil old Perth! When they left they gave us a sweet skateboard, that was hand made by them as their business, Fat Fish longboarding. Well, after hearing stories of how our friend Marty, skates with their giant German Shepherd, I was sure that me and Angus (the Shar-Pei) could try what I have named "Dogboarding"
I was so surprised at how well Angus adjusted to cruising along next to me on the board. This task is made easier by the big wheels and style of the skatie that allows me to just cruise. Anyway I think I have found my new love, it is so much fun to cruise around the neighbourhood, Angus gets a full work out and is exhausted, and bonus so do I, my leg muscles are feeling a little sore this morning. I can't wait to hit the pavement again!

I love this last picture, it is a total action shot, you can see Angus pulling me around the corner and me completely loosing balance... so fun!
And if you want to get your hands on a fat fish board check out the link above, I have already gotten heaps of people complementing me on how good the board looks.
3 comments on "Introduction to "Dogboarding""
  1. Very cool Karen! The dog whisperer - Caesar Milan does that with his dogs. A tired dog is a good dog!

  2. KAZ!!!! (btw I decided since my "accent" doesn't say your name "properly", I'll call you kaz... ok?)

    Anyway... I am WAY stoked about this post! You look completely natural! I knew you'd be addicted to it! Angus seems to love it like Oliver! I may need to make a business trip to WA... ya think?


  3. Oh and btw seeing your house and you and Angus and Joel (I'm assuming he's holding the camera) makes me want to be come back and rent your parents place... or your "porch room" haha
