Yellow Dandy goes to Sydney

Friday, May 17, 2013

You might remember me saying in a post I did a couple of months ago (here) about being one of the Kidspot Voices of 2013 Top 100, and how I was very,very keen to make my way to Sydney to be a part of both the Masterclass and the Launch Party. Well, it seems that this time the odds were in my favour. I managed to scrounge some of our frequent flier points together, and use some that my Dad generously offered. With the help of Joel and my parents looking after the little man, I was able to get away. Thankfully, I am a week and a half shy of the 36 week no flying policy, so it came just in time. So here I am. Nervously and very excitedly awaiting the big day of blogging related events tomorrow. I feel very out of my league, but I'm just hoping I learn so much from the whole day!


I had to get up at a ridiculous hour this morning (i'll give you a hint: it rhymes with the word door), in order to make my flight to Sydney. It felt so strange, driving alone, checking in alone, only having to worry about myself. It's been a long time since I've done anything like this. I've actually never spent a night away from Ezra, until tonight that is. I miss him like crazy, its so quiet around here, but I'll admit, it is nice to have a mini getaway by myself before the baby arrives.

I've already managed to get some shopping in, although just window shopping at this stage. I was desperate to check out the Zara store. I just wish this creaky, pregnant body would let me move faster and enjoy walking around. I started to quickly feel to sore, heavy and tired so I decided it was time to leave, before I actually bought anything. Although, I am desperate for a pair of shoes to wear tomorrow night, so I'll be up walking around the city again tomorrow morning on the search to make sure I don't show up shoeless for the launch party.

In my travels I made two awesome discoveries today:


1. Flight socks are one of the best inventions ever!!! No swelling in my feet and I even kept my shoes on the entire flight. They are great to even just wear around normally, and it means that my shoes fit again! Hurray!!


2. There is an awesome little bar/ Mexican place around the corner from my hotel called El Loco. As much as I wanted to just sit and have a beer, I opted for a Lemon, Lime and Bitters and a couple of delicious Taco's with homemade soft taco shells. Yep, it was amazing, the atmosphere is pretty good in there too, so I totally recommend. I just saw it by chance on my walk back from Pitt St and I wish I could eat there again!

My dress, now just need the shoes!


Have a lovely weekend,

Karen xx


2 comments on "Yellow Dandy goes to Sydney"
  1. Definitely jealous of you going to the Voices of 2013 conference. And that dress is beautiful! Where did you find it?

    Hope you had a fantastic weekend in Sydney :)

  2. It was so good to meet you hun and yep HOW GOOD are flight socks! lol xx
